Magic Murray


The Pattaya Golf Society at Rabbi’s Elephant Bar

The new week began for the Pattaya Golf Society on Monday, 16th September, with a trip to a virtually empty Green Valley to play a stableford competition on the course which was in splendid condition, if a little soft from recent heavy rains.  The greens needed a roll but still retained a little pace however and putting was a very precise requirement. 

Scores were generally quite good with Ken Grimes hauling Greg Gawron back to share second place with 35 points, leaving Murray Edwards way ahead with 39 points for his maiden win with the group.  All the hours on the range are working well for Murray and there will be more good rounds to come as the year progresses.

What of the alternatives following a rain cancellation?  Send the lass back to the off-licence of course.What of the alternatives following a rain cancellation?  Send the lass back to the off-licence of course.

There were no birdie ‘2’s and with Tony Thorne taking Rabbi’s free beer for the non-winners the curtain was drawn on another fine day of golf with the PGS.

A lack of entries and forty eight hours of steady rain cut short the golf this week as we cancelled on Wednesday, with only five signed up for the trip to Royal Lakeside and Friday when Mountain Shadow suggested we cancel because the course was very wet and carts were ill advised.