Jeffries leads the way with 41 points


May 2015 PAGS Monthly Golf Tournament

Eighty-five players travelled up Hwy 331 on Wednesday, May 27, headed for the Treasure Hill course, which is currently in overall tip top condition.  Although the weather was hot & humid, there was just enough breeze to keep it from being too oppressive.  We played from the forward yellow tee markers, but still the course provided a solid challenge for all.

Mike Jeffries (h/cap 15) was the only golfer to break 40 points on the day, leading the B flight home by a clear 4 points from Tom Thompson (14) in second, with Pierre Bietry (20) getting third spot a further point behind on 36.

Mike Jeffries (right) collects his prize golf bag.

The A flight (0–10) was a tightly contested division, with Jim Cleaver (9) the winner with 37 points, to go with his 2 technical prizes, while Jonathan Pratt (9) got second place on an 18/16 count back over Jeff Wylie (8) after both signed for 36 points.

The C flight, for handicaps 21 and up, was the most tightly contested, with all place-getters shooting the same score of 32 points.  After multiple count backs, the standings were as follows: Sami Sarajarvi (27) 17 on the back 9, Doug Jasper (22) 16 on the back 9, with third place going to Jan Johansson (24).

The Low Gross also required a count back verdict to separate Bob Watson & Paul Smith, after both shot a commendable 77 off the stick; Bob getting the goodies, with his back 9 of 39 to Paul’s 42.

We only had a small contingent of ladies playing again, with Nut (20) leading the way on 33 points.

There were several multiple winners in the technical prizes, getting the maximum 2 prizes, and notables, among others, were Paul Smith, Jack Grinvold, and Leo Ruuskanen.

BBQ King Dave was away, but his trusty sidekicks kept all attendees well satisfied with their tasty offerings for the night.  We will all look forward to another successful tournament with the next event at Eastern Star on 24th June.  Contact Shane on 085 945 9689 to ensure your preferred tee time.

Jim Cleaver (right) was the A flight winner with 37 points.

Sami Sarajarvi (right) took top spot in C flight.