Hughes hits pay-dirt at Mountain Shadow


Travellers Rest Golf Group

For the golfers at the TRGG I have some good news.  Last week’s player of the week and twice a winner again this week, Neil Bramley, has left the shores of Pattaya to return to work – and not before time I hear you say.  It should now give everybody else a chance and I might get to post some other golfer’s photos in my reports.  

Although Neil is a smashing fella and good company on the course, he is almost robotic with his cackhanded golf swing (he holds the club with a reverse grip) and he has unerring accuracy.  For the last few weeks he has been there or thereabouts every time he has played and has ripped up all the golf courses in Pattaya, together with all of his opposition.  So see you again in a few months Neil and don’t practice so much.

Monday, March 10, Pattaya C.C. – Stableford

The TRGG visited Pattaya Country Club on Monday for the first time in about two years, so most of us were looking forward to see how it looked after all the changes we have heard about.  I think we all came away agreeing that it is still a work in progress.  The opening nine holes were much the same and work is still necessary on the areas just outside the fairways and the bunkers could do with some more sand and a rake occasionally.

Tony Molloy and Frank Hughes.Tony Molloy and Frank Hughes.

Personally I found the back nine to be in a much better condition, probably helped by the fact I played better on the back nine than the front, but the fairways seemed greener and the greens were good and so were the bunkers and I should know, I managed to find most of them.

The numbers playing are still up and two flights were necessary at all four competitions this week.

In Division One it was the aforementioned Neil Bramley who once again showed the consistency to finish in the lead.  He was followed home by another two regulars in the TRGG fraternity, Jim Cooper just pipping Phil Battah on count back for second place.

In Division 2 Derek Thorogood returned the best score of the day, beating Ged Higgins in second and his old mate Billy Allan in third.

Div. 1 (0-14)

1st Neil Bramley (10) 33pts

2nd Jim Cooper (14) 31pts

3rd Phil Battah (12) 31pts

Div. 2 (15+)

1st Derek Thorogood (16) 35pts

2nd Ged Higgins (21) 34pts

3rd Billy Allan (15) 30pts

Tuesday, March 11, Green Valley – Stableford

On Tuesday it was back to Green Valley for our regular visit and in Division 1 it was Jim Cooper who managed to improve on his Monday’s position by beating all before him.  David Jeffrey took second spot and Roger Wilkinson finished third.

Division 2 had the best score for the second day running and as in Division 1 with Jim Cooper, it was the second placed man on Monday, Ged Higgins, who came out on top today.  He managed to hold off Jeff Norman in second and Tim Dalton in third.

Div. 1 (0-14)

1st Jim Cooper (14) 37pts

2nd David Jeffrey (9) 35pts

3rd Roger Wilkinson (14) 34pts

Div. 2 (15+)

1st Ged Higgins (21) 38pts

2nd Jeff Norman (18) 37pts

3rd Tim Dalton (19) 36pts

Thursday, March 13, The Emerald – Stableford

Thursday it was off to many people’s favourite golf course at Emerald and it was a case of déjà vu, same old, same old with lightening striking in the same place yet again.  Neil Bramley took the claret jug once more at the course designed by another consistent golfer Nick Faldo.  Neil shot another jaw dropping 41 points to take Division 1 from another consistent golfer, Mike Rushant in second, and yet again for the second time this week Roger Wilkinson was third.

In Division 2, Irishman Tony Molloy broke up that déjà vu feeling by finishing ahead of two other guys who don’t make it to the top very often.  In fact I know Irishman Seamus Farrell, who finished second, gets giddy every time he just stands up.  Ken Kamakana, who hopefully doesn’t suffer from vertigo, finished in third.

Div.1 (0-14)

1st Neil Bramley (10) 41pts

2nd Mike Rushant (13) 38pts

3rd Roger Wilkinson (14) 37pts

Div.2 (15+)

1st Tony Molloy (16) 38pts

2nd Seamus Farrell (29) 36pts

3rd Ken Kamakana (26) 35pts

Saturday, March 15, Mt. Shadow – Stableford

On Saturday the TRGG brought Cheltenham race week to a close by visiting Mountain Shadow. In Division 1 it was Jim Cleaver who galloped into the lead and stayed there, with Larry Simpson trotting into second and Gerry Fernandez beaten by a short nose came in third.

In Division 2 there was a stewards enquiry when the winner came in with an amazing 41 points but Frank Hughes passed the urine test and was found to be clean so held on to the trophy.  Les Leong took second place and Glen Kananoa was third.

Div.1 (0-12)

1st Jim Cleaver (10) 33 pts

2nd Larry Simpson (12) 32pts

3rd Gerry Fernandez (12) 31pts

Div.2 (13+)

1st Frank Hughes (18) 41pts

2nd Les Leong (22) 38pts

3rd Glen Kananoa (15) 33pts

Good luck to all you golfers for the coming week and if you would like to play a round of golf with the TRGG, please phone Fergus Brennan on 086 056 7019 or pop into the Ned Kelly Bar in Soi Lengkee and add your name to the weekly lists which are posted on the notice board.