Golf – a confidence game


Travellers Rest Golf Group

Golf is an amazing game but it does have the unfortunate habit of draining us of our self-confidence and leaving us gibbering wrecks and beaten to a pulp.  Of course there are those who take the downs in their stride and who just march on regardless, also known as conceited bigheads, but there are many others who take it too much to heart and can feel terrible for days.  So when confidence returns it is a very welcome relief and golf becomes good fun once again because one’s game has invariably improved.

Some of the Pro’s think that a regular visit to their shrink, sorry I mean sports psychoanalyst, is as important as a few hours practice on the range.  Anyway, I could name at least half a dozen of the TRGG faithful who were feeling on top of the world this past week and that includes yours truly.

Nick Thomas, Noel Pittard & Niall Cronin.Nick Thomas, Noel Pittard & Niall Cronin.

One look at the winning scores shows that a number of golfers played out of their skins and every competition was won by golfers far exceeding their handicap.

Monday, Nov. 24, Plutalunag – Stableford

The proceedings got underway on Monday at Plutaluang, the Navy Course (West/North).  Nick Thomas, who has been back in Thailand for a couple of weeks now, has obviously re-acclimatized himself and romped home in first place with 41 points.

Noel Pittard, who is famed for his outrageous golfing attire, normally favouring a shocking pink, finished second while Phil Corbett, a man who only a week ago was suicidal with his game of golf, took third place.  Phil has more moving parts in his golf swing than a steam engine but he managed to tone it down a bit and played some half decent golf.

1st Nick Thomas (13) 41pts

2nd Noel Pittard (8) 37pts

3rd Phil Corbett (29) 35pts

Tuesday, Nov. 25, Khao Kheow – Stableford

On Tuesday it was off to Khao Kheow (B and C courses) and it is patently obvious it is a course that the ladies seem to like.  In Division 1 they completely dominated the day with two of them neck and neck at the top of the leaderboard.  Tewin Poopay Lamthong, who is another golfer who has recently got her game back on track, beat her old adversary Mod Chaviraksa on count back, both racking up 39 points each.  Paul Stanton stood up for the men by taking third place on 37.

In Division 2, wily old John Baxter also shot 39 points to take the honours ahead of Chris Lightfoot and Joan Murphy.

Div. 1 (0-13)

1st Tewin Poopay Lamthong (12) 39pts

2nd Mod Chavaraksa (12) 39pts

3rd Paul Stanton (13) 37pts

Div. 2 (14+)

1st John Baxter (17) 39pts

2nd Chris Lightfoot (20) 35pts

3rd Joan Murphy (18) 33pts

Thursday meant it was time for our weekly visit to Green Valley, and for once only one division was necessary.  My old quiz team mate Roger Wilkinson got his game together and like those on Tuesday found that 39 points was enough to take first place.  Roger was followed home by Michael McCluskey and Fergus Brennan.

1st Roger Wilkinson (13) 39pts

2nd Michael McCluskey (18) 38pts

3rd Fergus Brennan (13) 36pts

Friday, Nov. 28, Bangpakong – Stableford

On Friday it was a welcome return to Bangpakong, one of my favourite courses.  In Division 1 Noel Pittard did the business by not only winning the competition but also walking off with a bottle of Jameson’s, which went to the person shooting a birdie on the Par 5, 18th stroke index 1 hole.  Noel just managed to pip Jeff Bunn and Ed Brubaker, who both finished on 38 points.

Best score of the day went to the winner of Division 2, who just happened to be me, your scribe as the newspaper like to call it.   41 points was my best score for at least a year.

Div.1 (0-14)

1st Noel Pittard (8) 39pts

2nd Jeff Bunn (6) 38pts

3rd Ed Brubaker (12) 38pts

Div.2 (15+)

1st Andy Rich (20) 41pts

2nd Ged Blairs (30) 32pts

3rd Paddy Murphy (16) 31pts

Saturday, Nov. 29, Crystal Bay – Stableford

It was the turn of Crystal Bay (C and A courses) to play host to the TRGG on Saturday.  The favourite winning score of the week once again prevailed.  The top two both ran up 39 points but this time Noel Pittard was out of luck and had to settle for second place after losing out on count back to the eventual winner Niall Cronin.  Paul Stanton, who for the second time this week bettered his handicap, could only take third place.  Better luck next week Paul.

1st Niall Cronin (14) 39pts

2nd Noel Pittard (7) 39pts

3rd Paul Stanton (13) 38pts

Good luck to all you golfers for the coming week and if you would like to play a round of golf with the TRGG, please phone Fergus Brennan on 086 056 7019 or pop into the Ned Kelly Bar in Soi Lengkee and add your name to the weekly lists which are posted on the notice board.