Fergus sinks an ace, bags a double


Travellers Rest Golf Group

Maybe it was just coincidence or maybe I have psychic powers, I will let you decide, but in the last report I was telling you about an American guy who got three holes in one in one round of golf, and what happens this past week – one of our guys at the TRGG goes and gets a hole in one. Spooky or what!

Fergus Brennan will tell you that his golf has been all over the place this year and that he hasn’t won a thing (poppycock I thought) so I looked it up and found he has now won seven competitions this year (funny how the mind can play tricks on our old folk).  Still, getting a hole in one is something to shout about and Fergus is to be congratulated on achieving this rare feat.  He tells me it was his fifth ace in his long golfing career, so put your hands together and give him a huge round of applause.

Monday, August 3, The Emerald – Stableford

This week started for the TRGG on Monday with a trip over to Emerald, a favourite course for many of our clientele.

Fergus Brennan (left) & Daryl Ottaway.

It became obvious that one man got out of bed on the right side this week and yes, it was that man already mentioned in dispatches, Fergus Brennan.  Now those that know him will tell you that it has been known for him to come out with the old Irish blarney but he wasn’t messing about on Monday, he completely took apart the rest of the field and left them all for dead.  Perhaps he was inspired, being Irish, by the Emerald greens because he racked up 40 points before you could say blow me down with a four leaf clover.

A country mile behind Nino Dinardo took second spot and newly returned to Pattaya, John Baxter slipped into third place.

1st Fergus Brennan (13) 40pts

2nd Nino Dinardo (17) 34pts

3rd John Baxter (15) 33pts

Wednesday, August 5, Burapha – Stableford

On Wednesday it was back to Burapha for another attempt to master this excellent course; this time we took on C and D courses.

Aided and abetted by his aforementioned hole in one Fergus Brennan galloped into the lead and held off the close attention of Billy Allan although it took a stewards’ enquiry, sorry I mean a count back to determine the winner as they both finished with 38 points.  The old stayer once again showed that he is not yet ready for the knackers yard by showing the young pretender a thing or two in the finishing straight.

Neil Bramley showed that the handicapper had got it spot on by finishing third with 36 points.

1st Fergus Brennan (12) 38pts

2nd Billy Allan (14) 38pts

3rd Neil Bramley (7) 36pts

Friday, August 7, Pattavia – Stableford

An excellent golfing week drew to a close on Friday with a return visit to the pineapple fields at Pattavia Century.

Daryll Ottaway, who has spent a long time out of the winners’ circle, showed a return to form and was the only contestant to play to his handicap.  His 36 points won the day from fellow Aussie Gary Bennett, with another Aussie Robert Cannon finishing in third place.  I guess it just goes to show that the Aussies can’t win a cricket match but they know how to win at golf.

1st Daryll Ottaway (7) 36pts

2nd Gary Bennett (19) 34pts

3rd Robert Cannon (18) 33pts

Good luck to all you golfers for the coming week and if you would like to play a round of golf with the TRGG, please phone Derek Thorogood on 080 673 3118 or pop into the Ned Kelly Bar in Soi Lengkee and add your name to the weekly lists which are posted on the notice board.