Eden triumphs at inaugural PFGS championship


IPGC Golf from the Pratumnak Friendly Golf Society

Tuesday, Jan. 12, Pattaya C.C – Stableford

A Flight (0-19)

1st George Cullen 39pts

2nd Craig Hitchens 37pts

3rd Mark Kobrin 36pts

4th Sean McNamara 35pts

5th Allan Parker 35pts

6th Michael Williams 34pts

B Flight (20-36)

1st John Fenwick 38pts

2nd Brendan Roddy 37pts

3rd Larry Eden 35pts

4th Elsa Lalor 35pts

5th Sean Hallahan 33pts

6th Jimmy Johnson 33pts

Near Pin (sponsored by Larry Eden): – winner Craig Hitchens.

2’s: Michael Williams, John Fenwick & Craig Hitchens.

The inaugural Pratumnak Friendly Golf Society (PFGS) Championship Trophy was played over two rounds under stableford scoring, with the winner being the player returning the largest aggregate 2-day score.  We also ran a separate singles competition on each day.  Considering this being the high season we had a good turnout from our members and friends from Tara Court and fielded 44 players on both days.

Barney Sheedy.

The first round was held at Pattaya Country Club on Tuesday where the course was in great shape and we had good weather.  The venue was also well organized in hosting our event and our thanks go to the Pattaya Country Club management and staff for their help.

The daily comp was split into 2 groups with 22 players in each flight.

Nine players were within 4 points going into round 2 with George Cullen, John Fenwick, Brendan Roddy & Craig Hitchens being the hot favorites to take the PFGS Championship Trophy.

Thursday, Jan. 14, Green Valley – Stableford

A Flight (0-19)

1st Barney Sheedy 36pts

2nd Declan Kelly 35pts

3rd Ger Lodge 34pts

4th Frank McGowan 33pts

5th Donal Lyne 32pts

6th Dennis Lea 32pts

B Flight (20-36)

1st Larry Eden 39pts

2nd Evelyn McNamara 32pts

3rd Joe Peters 31pts

4th John McGarry 31pts

5th Brendan Roddy 30pts

6th Fred O’Conner 29pts

Near Pin: Donal Lyne

2’s: Frank McGowan, Craig Hitchens, Richie Martin, Ted Morris

Larry Eden.

Round 2 of the event was held at Rayong Green Valley and the course was in great shape.  Less could be said for the course officials however with them not having caddies, buggies or trolleys available for our tee times (some players did not receive a caddie until hole 9).  We have to say it was a very poor show by the Green Valley management considering that they are allegedly one of the premier golf courses in the area.

Hats off to our players who took it all in their stride and soldiered on, even though it did disrupt the day considerably, especially when a 5-ball was slotted in between our groups under ‘suspicious’ circumstances.

The split in the two flights was identical to Tuesday with 22 players in each.  Larry Eden came in with 39 points today to win the B Flight and also the overall title with 74 in total.  Barney Sheedy topped the A Flight with a level par 36 and took second place behind Larry in the overall.  George Cullen, courtesy of his flight winning score on Tuesday hung on to take third place on the podium with 69 points.

It was a great event and all enjoyed both days.  Special thanks go out to Joe McArdle, John & Jeff Ryves, Green Valley professionals that got us the needed extra tee times and John Grisewood and Paul Pavloff for supporting us as volunteer official photographers.

Note: Pratumnak Friendly Golf Society plays every Tuesday and Thursday, leaving The Irish Wolfhound/Hotel Victoria on Soi 4, Pratumnak Hill between 09:30 & 10:00.  Sign up either via http://www.societygolfing.co.uk (Login PFGS2015, Password PFGS2015) or on our notice board outside Hotel Victoria or telephone Craig Hitchens on 08-6074-1427.