Colin Greig takes golfer of the month award


PSC Golf Bunkers Boys at The Ranch

Following a recent run of good form, Colin Greig was last week adjudicated to be the Bunker Boys golfer of the month for January and plans to go shopping for a new trophy cabinet as there is no space for this latest addition.  Actually, he is considering having a trophy room built onto his house.  Must be nice!

Monday, Jan. 25, Khao Kheow (yellow tees) –  Stableford

On a day like today — 19 degrees at tee-time — the shivers could have easily been mistaken for the yips: and there certainly was a lot of shivering going on.  Many of our crew, with their tropically thinned blood, were feeling seriously cold and wondering if they had been transplanted back to their native boreal lands.

Colin Greig – golfer of the month.

The temperature wasn’t the only challenge as gale force winds added to the misery.  Well, maybe unpleasant is a better word but, in any case, very unusual conditions for golf in Fun City.

How does the saying go …”when the going gets tough, the tough get going”?  Well, you couldn’t get much tougher than our gimpy bandit, Tony Scambler, or our newly crowned silver bird, Alex Kilcoyne.  Playing through the cold, blustery conditions both men managed to better their handicaps by five and four strokes respectively – a really fine performance in spite of the weather.


1st Tony Scambler (12) 41pts

2nd Dave Ashman (17) 34pts

3rd Gordon Melia (17) 33pts


1st Alex Kilcoyne (27s) 40pts

2nd P.J. Redmond (28s) 37pts

3rd Tom McDowell (20) 36pts

Near Pins: Peter Mace (2), Keith Norman, Neil Jones

Wednesday, Jan. 27, Treasure Hill (yellow tees) – Stableford

Does a proper golf course mark its water hazards with red and yellow stakes, Mr. TH groundskeeper?  If you answered no, you are obviously benighted, if yes, a very smart fellow.  Taking time to identify / discuss / decide if the ball is in a hazard or not is, well, a waste of time and can result in issues among playing partners.  It’s a simple case of red or yellow or, more specifically, of black or white — either you are a proper golf course or you aren’t.  What’s it going to be, Mr. groundskeeper?

Our favorite Bunker lady — Marion Melia — showed up with her handsome husband today to challenge the unmarked hazards at the ever popular Treasure Hill.  Not wanting to be outdone by her significant other half, who managed a second place finish in A-flight, she nailed a near pin on the 107-yard par-3 6th hole.  Way to go and welcome back, Marion!

The higher handicapers in B-flight put it to the the A-flight guys today wherein the third place finisher in B-flight posted more points than the first place in A-flight.  The magnificently dressed with bath towel for a sweat wipe, Lee Butler, led the way with 41 points.  It’s always a pleasure to see Lee make an appearance.


1st Alan Freeman (5) 35pts

2nd Gordon Melia (17) 32pts

3rd Tony Robbins (15) 30pts


1st Lee Butler (19) 41pts

2nd P.J. Redmond (28s) 38pts

3rd Peter Allen (28) 36pts

Near Pins: Marion Melia, Sammy Telfer, P.J. Redmond, Tony Robbins.

Friday, Jan. 29, Bangpakong Riverside — Stableford

The Bunker Boys, unlike most golf societies in Fun City, chauffeur their players to courses in private cars but, in rare cases, a van is hired to provide transport:  Today was one such case and upon entering Highway 7 and heading north it was discovered that none of the happy golfers nor the driver knew the way.  No worries as Ray Crosthwaite had a GPS app on his smart phone, so everyone relaxed and was looking forward to arriving at the beautiful Bangpakong Riverside Country Club.

Well, as fate would have it, the guys arrived at the Bangpakong Golf Course only to discover they were some 20 kilometers via local roads from Bangpakong “Riverside” Country Club.  Ouch!  Wrong course!  Frantic telephone calls ensued, directions obtained, and the van players were finally able to tee off at 1:00 p.m.  What a difference a word makes. Sorry for the mix-up, guys; and we’ll be sure the next “professional” van driver knows exactly his destination route.

Making only his second appearance with the BB’s, Andy Cotrall demolished the regulars with an outstanding 41 stableford points.  Playing off of 10, Alan bettered his handicap by five strokes, shooting a gross 77 — beautiful!

Bangpakong Riverside undoubtedly deserves the denotation Country Club ( unlike some of the other tracks in the area): a beautiful club house, a well-presented pro shop, fashionable, well-kept locker room, a great layout, good tee-boxes, excellent fairways, challenging greens, raked bunkers, and caddies that know what they’re doing.  It’s a true pleasure to play this lovely course.


1st Andy Cotrall (10) 41pts

2nd Tony Robbins (15) 36pts

3rd Geoff Parker (13) 36pts


1st Jimmy Carr (18) 36pts

2nd Ray Crosthwaite (18) 34pts

3rd Sandy Bennie (17) 34pts

Near Pins: Keith Norman, Paul Carey, Peter Mannion, Gerry Swan.

Note: The Bunker Boys play on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Contact Buff on 086 046 5091 or 080 605 5663 for more information and scheduling.