Allidi shines again at PSC members monthly


Mountain Shadow was the choice for the 148th PSC Monthly Golf Tournament on Tuesday, December 8, with the PSC Xmas Party being held on the following evening.

There were several cancellations for various reasons plus one actual “no-show” but there was still a healthy field of 92 golfers.  Registration went very smoothly and there were no latecomers to slow things down and with perfect weather and the golf course in excellent condition some good scores were anticipated.

PSC Golf Chairman/President Maurice Roberts, together with Peter Blackburn, Marcus Earp and Mark West arrived at the course early to await the players.

On this occasion the A Flight played medal off the blue tees, B & C Flights played stableford off the white tees and D Flight played stableford off the yellow tees, with Ladies/Seniors playing stableford off the red & silver tees.

Low Gross winner Mike Allidi (right) with PSC Golf Chairman/President Maurice Roberts.

The Low Gross winner on the day was Mike Allidi (H/cap 2) who carded a fine score of 73 gross.  A Flight was won by Anders Pedersen (8) with a net 71 and B Flight honours went to Reg McKay (14) with 40 points.  Peter Gangur (22) recorded 38 points to top the C Flight while the D Flight winner was Torben Lindgaard (28) with 42 points.  In the Ladies/Seniors Flight it was veteran Jim Elphick who was declared the winner after scoring 39 points.

The presentation and prize giving was this time held at Dicey Reillys and the food was superb and plenty of it.  Many thanks go to Santi and staff for an excellent buffet.

C Flight winner Peter Gangur (right) receives his prize from Maurice Roberts.

Peter Blackburn welcomed all and introduced Maurice Roberts who expressed his appreciation to the players and those who assisted him at the course and to the PSC office staff for the pre-tournament work.  Peter also thanked Nick Shaw & Goong for assisting by selling the 50/50 tickets, the draw being won by Christian Boysen.  Thanks were also given out to Tom Herrington who took the winner’s photos.

Peter then announced the winners and Maurice & Andre presented the prizes.

A Flight winner Anders Pedersen.

B Flight winner Reg McKay.

D Flight winner Torben Lindgaard.

Ladies – Seniors winner Jim Elphick (right) with Maurice Roberts.

50-50 winner Christian Boysen.