A long and winding road to Treasure Hill


PSC golf from The Billabong Golf Bar

Wednesday, Feb. 27, Green Valley – Stableford

Our normal trip down the 36 to Green Valley and only a small field today as there were some cancellations – one being Capt Bob who got knocked off his bike by a dog on his way home Tuesday night, but not to worry the bit of bark will grow back soon.  Thanks to outpourings of sympathy from Arab – his starting comment was, “Been doing some renovations?” and his big brother Lumpy said, “Hi Rudolph, how did you get skin off your nose with that fat gut?”  Thanks guys – it all adds to the fun here at the Billabong Golf Club.

Now down to golf and the course was as usual in grand condition except for a few holes where they had watered them and it was like putting through a lake.  Thanks very much to Stan Stoker for looking after the golfers today – much appreciated mate.

Ives Philibert (left) with Stan Stoker.Ives Philibert (left) with Stan Stoker.

Coming in forth was Bob Finley with 31 points, beaten on a count back by Ives Philibert, also on 31.  In second was Martin Kingswood, just back from a safari in Africa with Suzi and John Lawton, with 35 points and first was Stan Stoker on 36.

Again there were no ‘2’s.

Friday, March 1, Treasure Hill – Stableford

What started out as 3 four-balls ended up as three 3-balls with Gary Hogg, Wayne Cotterell, and their passenger (whom shall remain nameless) getting slightly bushed on the way to Treasure Hill.  When I was called the boys were passing a large power station, which in living here for 10 years I have never seen before on the 331.

After much assurance that they were definitely on the 331, I said a good idea would be to pull into a service station and ask the attendant.  All was silent for about 10 minutes.  I called back and yes, they were on the way just passing a big store called Makro.  I said you should have kept going, you would have been in Soi Dao soon and had a really good day out!

Anyway the lads playing were looked after by Greig Ritchie – many thanks mate!  It was a 4 hour round but alas some played from the yellow and the other’s played from the white tees.  One ‘2’ was recorded by Chris Dodd and he also won the day with 41 points.  I might add that he got his ‘2’ on the second hole from 213 yards out – a great effort just to get the ball on the green!  Coming in second was Willie Dunlop with 36 points.

Note:  If you would like game with some friendly golfers, come and join us at the Billabong Golf Club.  We are located just off Siam Country Road before you go under the arch to Siam Old Course.  Turn left and we are 200 yards on your right or call Bob on 082 204 3411.