Dr. Penguin entertains PCEC Sunday meeting


His real name is Chedy Sahebettaba, but he dares anyone to try to pronounce it. Perhaps that is why he is better known as Dr. Penguin, a frequent presenter at the Pattaya City Expats Club. Dr. Penguin (aka Doc Penguino) brought with him two attractive young Thai ladies dressed in Santa-like costumes to help him perform his magic tricks; they were nicknamed “Miss Distraction” and “Miss Direction.”

Dr. Penguin performed one trick involving five small balls, four of which were white and the other black. Five volunteers from the audience each picked a ball from a bag (without peeking) and held the balls in a closed fist so that no one could see which colour ball they had. A sixth volunteer sitting in the audience was able to identify which person held the black ball.

Doc Penguino accepts the Certificate of Appreciation for his entertaining magic and mentalist presentation to the PCEC meeting on Sunday, December 5.

Dr. Penguin cited this as an example of mentalism. “Mentalism” is loosely defined as a performing art where the mentalist demonstrates almost psychic powers. Dr. Penguin said that mentalism was performed not only by magicians but also by salesmen and public relations people.

Dr. Penguin performed another trick where he borrowed a 100-baht note from a member of the audience, promising to change it into a 1,000-baht note. Using another volunteer, Dr. Penguin hid the 100-baht note on his person, performed a few manoeuvres, chanted a few mantras and eventually reached into the volunteer’s shirt pocket and produced a new note which he gave to the member of the audience. Unfortunately, it was a 20-baht note, not the promised 1,000-baht note.

Doc Penguino is searching for the missing 100 baht with his magical “money finder” wand.Doc Penguino is searching for the missing 100 baht with his magical “money finder” wand.

Dr. Penguin then had one of his assistants search a rather delicate part of the man’s anatomy and the 100-baht note was retrieved. But Dr. Penguin did not stop there. He reached into the man’s left front pocket and pulled out two or three spoons, a manoeuvre which he repeated four or five times. The spoons looked suspiciously like those that are provided at The Tavern, where the PCEC meetings are held. He also pulled out a ladies bra from the man’s pocket to the delight of the audience.

Dr. Penguin mentioned his most two recent charity events; one in Chang Rai and the other in Chang Mai. He said that one of his new charity projects involves coming up with some gifts that would be appropriate for deaf people, a population that he described as often overlooked. He said that he had worked with a lady in India who founded several schools for deaf students. Dr. Penguin said that there were 11 million deaf people in India.

Dr. Penguin said he will be doing performances and charity work in Myanmar in the near future, and that he was planning an event in Kanchanaburi Province next February. He also said that he was continuing to film his silent movie series “The Great Penguino” and is looking for people to cast in the production. Dr. Penguin talked about the TV series when he spoke to the PCEC last September.

MC Ren Lexander welcomes well known magician and mentalist, Doc Penguino, and his two beautiful assistants, “Miss Distraction” and “Miss Direction” to the Sunday, December 5, PCEC meeting.MC Ren Lexander welcomes well known magician and mentalist, Doc Penguino, and his two beautiful assistants, “Miss Distraction” and “Miss Direction” to the Sunday, December 5, PCEC meeting.

Dr. Penguin’s Linked In profile explains that he developed his style of interactive comedy from a combination of studies with great theatre icons such as Jacque Le Coq and Marcel Marceau in Paris to La Mama in New York. After he graduated from the University of California Santa Cruz in 1976, he set off on a six-month world tour, which ended in becoming his lifelong pursuit. Dr. Penguin worked at festivals and on the streets of Europe, which led to him creating “The Magic Circus” which toured Europe, North Africa, as well as Asia.

Doc Penguino and his assistants being interviewed by Paul Strachan for Pattaya Mail TV following his presentation at the PCEC.Doc Penguino and his assistants being interviewed by Paul Strachan for Pattaya Mail TV following his presentation at the PCEC.

A YouTube video describing Dr. Penguin is available a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkSxZy3zvJMt. You can also follow Dr. Penguin on his Facebook page at www.facebook.com/doc. penguino.

To conclude the program, MC Ren Lexander updated everyone on Club activities and upcoming events and then called on Judith Edmonds to conduct the Open Forum where questions are asked and answered about Expat living in Thailand, especially Pattaya.

For more information on the PCEC’s many activities, visit their website at www.pcecclub.org.

Member Richard Smith announces the formation of a new special interest group by member Howard Posener. This new “Bowling Group” will meet on Tuesday for members and guests to enjoy a fun evening together.Member Richard Smith announces the formation of a new special interest group by member Howard Posener. This new “Bowling Group” will meet on Tuesday for members and guests to enjoy a fun evening together.