CPDC dances in the New Year


Children and staff of the Children Protection and Development Center rang in the New Year with a party full of music and dancing.

Preparations began long before the clock struck midnight, with the athletic field decorated and tables and a stage set up to host the party.

Guests, including local Rotarians, delighted in seeing the children dressed up for the party and their stage performances. Nearly every child participated in the dance groups, which put on beautiful, yet comical, presentations.

Children at the CPDC certainly are having a lot of fun during the party.

They all were part of the entertaining and delightful show, which lasted the whole evening and filled the night with laughter and joy.

The CPDC band performed on the stage as the last act.

Each child was given a nice present, which was received with big smiles.

The “mother” of all the children is HHNT director Radchada Chomjinda.

There was also a lucky draw for all the staff members and guests who could try their luck with choosing a number. Every staffer also earned monetary prizes.

After the show, music played loudly and everyone – children, volunteers and staff members – danced together.

Some of the guests at the celebration.