Cancer prevention is better than cure

C.V. Gaiki presents this slide showing Dr Otto Warberg, a Nobel recipient quoted as saying, “No serious disease including cancer can exist in an alkaline environment.” He went on to say that a cell that has not been starved of oxygen and has a perfect ph balance cannot become infected with cancer.
C.V. Gaiki presents this slide showing Dr Otto Warberg, a Nobel recipient quoted as saying, “No serious disease including cancer can exist in an alkaline environment.” He went on to say that a cell that has not been starved of oxygen and has a perfect ph balance cannot become infected with cancer.

Our speaker was C.V. Gaiki, founder and member of MVG Cancer Foundation, whose topic was “Cancer: Prevention is Better Than Cure.”

Though not a medical doctor, Gaiki found himself a motivated researcher when a dear friend of his died from cancer. How and why did this happen spurred him on a 3 year plus serious study of the disease, compelling him to start his foundation and begin lecturing on the importance of prevention of this dreaded disease.

In another slide, C.V. Gaiki identifies foods which are powerful cancer fighters and immune boosters.
In another slide, C.V. Gaiki identifies foods which are powerful cancer fighters and immune boosters.

The Foundation’s mission is to educate people about cancer and explain how to take precaution by simply controlling their day-to-day living style. Their main aim is to increase the awareness of cancer and remove the fear of it from the mind.

After studying 3 years from different sources about cancer, he understood the chemistry of cancerous cells and how to prevent them. In his presentation, he explained about body chemistry and how to prevent a number of diseases including cancer by making certain changes in our life.

He has completed his postgraduate study in the Technical Chemistry field from Mumbai University India and Homoeopathy course form Trivandrum India. He is studying a Naturopathy course at present.

Starting with the startling statement that cancer was not a disease at all, but a preventable deficiency of vitamin B-17 and acidic body chemistry. He stated that with these two situations in control, cancers have little chance of developing.

Dr Otto Warberg, a Nobel recipient, was quoted as saying, “No serious disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment.” In the presentation, he went on to say that all cancer patients have an acidic body ph. In addition, he went on to propagate that cancer cells cannot survive or exist in an oxygen rich environment. He gave his opinion that a cell that has not been starved of oxygen and has a perfect ph balance cannot become infected with cancer.

In the foundation’s platform can be found the concept that knowledge is the best remedy and prevention the best cure for cancers. Gaiki proceeded to encourage good nutrition with lots of fruits and vegetables and little to no processed or fast foods, moderate exercise and a limitation on vices such as alcohol and smoking as a way to ensure a strong oxygen supply choking off the fertile ground needed for cancers to flourish.

He went on to explain about body chemistry and how to prevent cancer by making certain changes. He demonstrated certain breathing exercises and meditation techniques useful to reduce stress and increase oxygen flow.

His four-prong plan for prevention included daily exercise (30 min), a breathing session of at least 15 minutes each day, 10 minutes of quiet meditation and the digesting of foods conducive to maintaining an alkaline body ph.

C.V. Gaiki noted that breathing and meditation are also important in cancer prevention. Here, he prepares to demonstrate some breathing techniques for his PCEC audience.
C.V. Gaiki noted that breathing and meditation are also important in cancer prevention. Here, he prepares to demonstrate some breathing techniques for his PCEC audience.

The list of anti-cancer foods (high in B-17) included the seeds of major fruits such as strawberries, watermelons, prunes, cherries and grapes, major legumes and nuts. Cancer killers included broccoli, grapefruit, tomatoes, garlic, wheat grass, kale and eggplant.

Further, in conclusion, he mentioned that cancers love refined sugars, so avoid large quantizes of these including all those tempting desserts that they hide in. His primary message was that it is the condition of the body that invites cancers so find your B-17 source and work on that alkaline ph.

MC Richard Silverberg welcomes members and guests to the PCEC Sunday meeting, inviting those that are visitors for the first time to take the opportunity to introduce themselves.
MC Richard Silverberg welcomes members and guests to the PCEC Sunday meeting, inviting those that are visitors for the first time to take the opportunity to introduce themselves.

The presentation was followed by updates on PCEC activities and the Open Forum, where questions are asked and answered or comments made by members and guests on Expat living in Thailand, Pattaya in particular. To learn more about the PCEC and their activities, visit

Member Ren Lexander presents C.V. Gaiki with the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation for his interesting talk.
Member Ren Lexander presents C.V. Gaiki with the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation for his interesting talk.
Speaker C.V. Gaiki is interviewed by Member Ren Lexander after his presentation. To view the video, visit:
Speaker C.V. Gaiki is interviewed by Member Ren Lexander after his presentation. To view the video, visit: