A wonderful birthday


With this small article I like to say thank you to all who have made my birthday this year so wonderful.

Gerrit Niehaus and Elfi Seitz admire the beautiful birthday cake.
Gerrit Niehaus and Elfi Seitz admire the beautiful birthday cake.

The first to congratulate me was Radchada Chomjinda, the director of the Human Help network Thailand, who came with her volunteers Hannah Heichen, Christian Frick, and Laem to bring me beautiful flower s and nice presents.

Dr. Jürgen Koppelin congratulates birthday girl Elfi Seitz.
Dr. Jürgen Koppelin congratulates birthday girl Elfi Seitz.

…and in the evening was the big celebration at the Thai Garden Resort

Thanks to the kindness of the owner of Thai Garden Resort, Gerrit and Anselma Niehaus, and General Manager Rene Pisters, I had a most beautiful birthday party in the evening on 12 September.

Some of my German speaking friends and members of my meditation group were present as well as Gerrit and Anselma Niehaus, Rene and Ploy Pisters and Dr. Jrgen Koppelin, a German politician who was on vacation at the Thai Garden Resort. Some friends of Dr. Koppelin and Gerrit joined as well and so the group was rather big.

Right at the beginning I received lots of good wishes and nice presents and I had to blink my eyes otherwise the tears of joy would have ruined my mascara.

The food and the wines were again very excellent and all enjoyed them. They still had some place left for the delicious birthday cake. Result: A few more pounds on the scale.

Surprise lunch at Bruno’s with (front row from left) Pasit Foobunma, Archie Dunlop and Brian Songhurst. Second row from left: Peter Barnwell, Magdalena Rittinghaus, Allan Riddell, Elfi Seitz and Tony Portman.
Surprise lunch at Bruno’s with (front row from left) Pasit Foobunma, Archie Dunlop and Brian Songhurst. Second row from left: Peter Barnwell, Magdalena Rittinghaus, Allan Riddell, Elfi Seitz and Tony Portman.

The Trio of the Thai Garden Resort played tirelessly and I even received a nice present from them.

Only a short while before my birthday ended we departed and I’d like to say a big Thank You to all who participated: Monika and Eberhard Podleska, Ivy Schlageter, Margrit Hoffmann, Dr. Otmar and Dr. Margret Deter, Jean Pierre Foethi with his girlfriend Yu, my good friend from Vienna Richard Fellner with wife, Esther Kaufmann, Wolfgang Tews and Peter Malhotra.

The biggest thanks goes to all who organized this beautiful birthday party for me.

A few days later the partying continued

A few of my closest English speaking friends organized a surprise birthday lunch for me at Bruno’s on 16 September.

(From left) Ivy Schlageter-Lam, Anselma and Gerrit Niehaus.
(From left) Ivy Schlageter-Lam, Anselma and Gerrit Niehaus.

I enjoyed a good meal and a glass of wine with lots of good conversation at this lunch, together with Magdalena Rittinghaus, Archie Dunlop (who turned 94 on 22 September), Allan Riddell, Pasit Foobunma, Brian Songhurst and Peter Barnwell. And of course my spiritual Guru, Tony Portman, who engineered the whole thing.

Elfi in conversation with GM Rene Pisters.
Elfi in conversation with GM Rene Pisters.

