Thai teams wins gold at computer science olympiad


Two Thai computer science students won the team gold medal at the 23rd International Olympiad in Informatics, which wrapped up late last month at the Royal Beach Resort.

Pasin Manurangsi of Bangkok Christian College and Sorawit Suriyakarn of Mahidol High School in Nakon Pathom placed 14th and 24th in points overall, but took home the Kingdom prize for team effort at the July 22-29 competition.

Wichaya Kamolvichit of Triam Udomsuksa Bangkok School won a silver medal and Lapanachai Jirachupan won a bronze.

Presentation of the IOI Flag by president of IOI, Arturo Cepeda to Dr. Giuseppe Colosio, chairman of the IOI Italy Committee.Presentation of the IOI Flag by president of IOI, Arturo Cepeda to Dr. Giuseppe Colosio, chairman of the IOI Italy Committee.

One of the most prestigious computer science competitions in the world, the IOI consists of two days of computer programming, solving problems of an algorithmic nature. Students compete on an individual basis, with up to four students competing from each participating country.

This was Thailand’s first time hosting the completion, with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva opening the games in one of his final acts in office. Thailand has fared well in the competition over the years, taking home 13 gold, 27 silver and 33 bronze medals. Paisin, who won a gold this year, also took home a gold in 2010 in Canada and a silver medal in 2009 in Bulgaria.

The triumphant Thai team.The triumphant Thai team.

Pasin said he was pleased with finishing 14th and that his accumulated 524 points was more than he expected. He added he was happy to see Thailand host the contest, as it might trigger more interest in computers among Thai youths.

Sorawit said this was his first year competing, but that he planned to be back next year in Italy, hoping to score better than 24th.

The Pattaya games came to a close with a “Colourful Pattaya Beach Party”-themed dinner at the Royal Cliff’s Infini Pool. The evening featured many interactive activities and performances to entertain the guests.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva opens the games in one of his final acts in office.Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva opens the games in one of his final acts in office.

The party also celebrated the olympiad’s first-ever perfect score, awarded to the Pattaya competition’s overall winner, Gennady Korotkevich of Belarus. He beat out China’s Fan Haoqiang by just one point. Pavel Kunyavskiy of Russia finished third and Felipe Souza of Brazil fourth.

Royal Cliff General Manager Joachim Grill presented the resort’s “Green Certificate” to Kanchit Malaivongs, chairman of IOI 2011, and to Tatchai Sumitra, chairman of the sponsorship committee. The “Green Certificate” is awarded to selected organizations for having taken steps to help safeguard the environment and reduce global warming.