St Andrews celebrates Koningsdag


On Wednesday 27th of April the Dutch nation traditionally celebrates the birthday of His Majesty The King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander, which is why this day is called King’s Day (In Dutch: Koningsdag). King’s Day is a public holiday in the Netherlands. People all over the country dress up in the colour orange. Orange is the colour of choice in tribute to the Royal family, the House of Orange-Nassau.

The Dutch Stream of St. Andrews International School could not let this day go by unnoticed. To mark this occasion and to officially open their new classroom, the Dutch Stream hosted an event to celebrate the birthday of Willem-Alexander, King of the Netherlands. The Dutch parents and the students of Primary and year 7 were invited to attend this special event.

Face painting, games and food where put on for the event.

In the afternoon the school had a special visit from a mum in the role of Queen Maxima, the wife of King Willem-Alexander. She officially opened the new Dutch Room by cutting the orange ribbon and this was also the start of the King’s day games. The children and parents enjoyed playing traditional Dutch games and tasting traditional Dutch food.

The whole St. Andrews Dutch community came out to celebrate Kings Day.

Kate Gerkema and her son Willem.