Sports shirts donated to Baan Jing Jai Orphanage


Jesters Care for Kids Charity Drive 2013, Sponsored by Glencore International and Canadian Jackalope Open

After a recent rugby contest between the Jameson’s Pattaya Team and a group from Western Australia won by the visitors, much to the disappointment of Kim Fletcher, Mike Smith, representing the victors, donated a number of team shirts from Australian Clubs to be given to underprivileged children. These items plus a generous cash donation were passed on to Lewis [Woody] Underwood, President of Jester’s Care for Kids to be dispensed to local children.

On Saturday, June 29th, some 30 children from Baan Jing Jai Orphanage were the happy recipients of these gifts. Piangta, director of the orphanage, wishes to relay her thanks to all concerned for their consideration and generosity.

Baan Jing Jai wearing their W.A. football shirts.Baan Jing Jai wearing their W.A. football shirts.

If you would like to learn how you can help underprivileged children, please visit or

Please remember that our Main Events are coming up soon:

Children’s Fair: Sunday, September 8th, at The Regent’s School Pattaya;

Gala Party Night: Saturday, September 21st, at Amari Orchid Pattaya.