Something’s cooking at Regents International School Pattaya


At this time of the year, senior students’ at Regents International School Pattaya are inevitably focused on academic preparation: revising for their final International Baccalaureate examinations in May and, in some cases, polishing their English for tough university entrance interviews ahead. But one small band of students this week found the time to add a new skill to their repertoire – cooking.

The course was led by Regents’ Head of Science and University Advisor, Paul Press. Paul commented: “Preparing students for university involves much more than just making sure that they get the best possible grades.

Regents’ IB students add cooking to their repertoire as they prepare for life at university!Regents’ IB students add cooking to their repertoire as they prepare for life at university!

University is very often the first time that young people have to fend for themselves, so life skills such as cooking, budgeting, planning and staying healthy are vital for them to learn before they go.  Our ‘Surviving University: Learn to Cook’ activity aims to teach students not only basic cooking techniques that they can adapt to a variety of meals, but also to make the students think about the nutritional value of the food they eat and how they can minimise the amount of food they waste.”