GIS celebrates romantic day with Valentine’s Talent Show


Garden International School (GIS) held an incredible Valentine’s Talent Show that was packed with romantic songs.

Secondary students danced and sang a variety of songs. IB students helped decorate the main hall with Valentine’s-themed decorations beforehand, then it was time for the big event.

GIS students again showed what a talented bunch they are – and how awesome the Music Department is – as they powered their way through some great tracks. The event was judged by Principal Dr Stuart Tasker, teacher Ms Woodburn and Action Prefect Teng.

A Year 11 student plays guitar during the talent show.A Year 11 student plays guitar during the talent show.

MCs for the show were IB students Pauline and Hui Eun, who kept everyone entertained with some awful Valentines jokes! Well done to everyone who took part, especially Prefect Jason who organised the event with help from other IB students.

Some of the singing in the talent show was amazing!Some of the singing in the talent show was amazing!

Romantic songs, like this from a Year 8 student, were touching.Romantic songs, like this from a Year 8 student, were touching.

This all-action dance troupe was a crowd favourite.