12/12/12 – an auspicious day


The 12th day of the 12th month in the 12th year of the century is seen by some to be an auspicious day and not just because it is also the first day of Christmas. On this day the Foundation has organized a fundraising event to purchase Christmas gifts for the children.

The host this year is Bobby Brooks, local businessman and long time supporter of the Father Ray Foundation, and who just happens to be celebrating his own birthday on the twelfth.

Your participation on 12-12-12 will ensure that each and every child and student receives a gift at the Christmas party. Your participation on 12-12-12 will ensure that each and every child and student receives a gift at the Christmas party.

The event will take place at the Redemptorist Center on Sukhumvit Road and buying a ticket costs just 500 baht. For this you will have a great evening of entertainment and it will also ensure that each and every child and student receives a gift at the Christmas party.

More information about the work of the Father Ray Foundation can be found at www.fr-ray.org or email [email protected]