Year-long construction begins on Soi Siam Country Club


Nongprue Sub-district has launched a 58-million-baht project to widen and lay new drainage pipes under Soi Siam Country Club.

Secretary Teerawit Thongnok kicked off the project March 25 near the Raiwattanasin Market with Suwali Co. assigned as the main contractor in a job running through July 2017.

Drivers of all types of vehicles are asked to be extra careful during the construction period.

Existing concrete will be torn up and replaced with standard and more-durable concrete, taking the road to 11.5 meters wide, 25 centimeters thick and a kilometer long.

The existing drainage tunnels will be replaced with larger and more durable pipes to handle floods during the rainy season.

The contractors already created a detour to avoid the area and plenty of lights were installed to keep motorists away from danger at night.

Teerawit said if contractors don’t complete work on time, they will face financial penalties. He apologized to road users for the inconvenience over the next year-plus, but said the long-term benefit will be worth it.