Village & sub-district chiefs slam PDRC proposal to do away with their positions


YASOTHON, 24 December 2013 Village headmen and sub-district chiefs in many provinces have expressed objection to the People’s Democratic Reform Committee’s (PDRC) proposed policy to dissolve local administrative organizations, and also expressed support for the February 2 general election. 

Associations of village headmen and sub-district chiefs in Nan, Sakon Nakhon and Yasothon on Monday expressed support for an administration that comes from an election, as well as the upcoming election of members of parliament, saying it would be the solution for the political conflicts. The associations also declared they opposed PDRC leader Suthep Thueksuban’s idea to set up a people’s council and dissolve all local administrations – including the positions of village headmen and sub-district chiefs. The declaration by the association of village headmen and sub-district chiefs from all 9 districts of Yasothon was especially blatant, with the group declaring it would oppose the PDRC’s ways in order to protect the existing democracy under constitutional monarchy.

The associations also called on Mr. Suthep to discontinue using the title ‘sub-district chief’ in front of his name, because his current actions were a disgrace to the title.