Supreme Commander: Thailand, Cambodia on good terms


BANGKOK, 18 May 2012  – Supreme Commander General Tanasak Patimapragorn said that Thailand and Cambodia have been discussing the border issue, adding that both nations are on good terms. General Tanasak stated since both nations are having good relations, a joint military drill for disaster mitigation will be conducted once again, after being halted for a while.

He added that members of a joint working committee on the Preah Vihear Temple issue are cooperating well. He said discussions are constructive, with members agreeing to make the current disputed zone bomb free.

The Supreme Commander said the next meeting’s discussion will be on the process to abide by the International Court of Justice’s decision ordering both sides to withdraw their troops. He explained that the meeting will find ways that will be fair for both sides, and that if the talks go smoothly, there would be no need for a third nation to mediate between the two sides.