Son of naval officer caught with large quantity of drugs



Banglamung police on a daily patrol in Soi Nori 14 on Pattaya-Naklua road met with a suspicious Thai couple riding their motorbikes.


Police stopped them and found 2 grams of Ice, and 4 pills of Yaba on the woman 28 year old Pavina Lakyai and 8 bags of Ice and 98 yaba pills on 34 year old Suchart Thamsiwapat

Suchart’s father who is a naval officer turned up and had a talk with the police and asked them to let his son go free.

The anxious naval officer tries to contact his drug dealing son.The anxious naval officer tries to contact his drug dealing son.

It was during this conversation that unbelievably Suchart managed to escape.

The police asked his father to accompany them to the station and they took Pavina and the drugs with them, the officer tried to contact his son, but was unable to reach him.


Son of naval officer caught with large quantity of drugs