Soi Bongkot resident fights back against high-rise litterbugs


Garbage has rained down on Samlee Kaewviset’s house for three years.  But he’s not going to take it anymore.

The 58-year-old Soi Bongkot resident got Pattaya City Council President Sanit Boonmachai and city Public Health Department inspector Thanawit Sompongtham to visit his beleaguered house Wednesday to see the damage that living next to a seven-story apartment house called “My House” has caused.

Soi Bongkot resident Samlee Kaewviset looks up at the litter dispensing My House apartment block.Soi Bongkot resident Samlee Kaewviset looks up at the litter dispensing My House apartment block.

Samlee said residents of the tall apartment block continually throw garbage, cigarette butts and other waste out their windows and onto his roof, sometimes causing damage and always creating a mess.  The problem, he said, has been going on since before residents moved in.  During construction, cement, sand, paint and wood fell on his home and, he claims, the building’s owners did nothing.

After his previous complaints to building management, My House did string up a net to catch trash thrown outside by residents.  But that net long ago broke and has not been repaired.

Sanit said the city will now investigate My House’s owners and construction to see if all permits and licenses were in order.  He said the owners will have to take some action to reign in their resident litterbugs.