Singburi man again arrested on child-pimping charges


The Singburi man who allegedly supplied an elderly Japanese man with an underage boy has been arrested for the second time in four months on child-prostitution charges.

Traiphop “Joe” Bunphasong was hauled out of a Central Pattaya movie theater Nov. 17 by Child and Women’s Protection Center officers armed with a new arrest warrant charging the 40-year-old with trafficking children. Traiphop was arrested in July on the same charges, but released on bail.

Traiphop “Joe” Bunphasong was arrested whilst watching a movie in Central Pattaya. Traiphop “Joe” Bunphasong was arrested whilst watching a movie in Central Pattaya.

Traiphop’s capture stems from the Nov. 2 arrest of 65-year-old Isao Handa on charges he abused a 13-year-old boy. Investigators said the Japanese man named Traiphop as the pimp who arranged his liaison.

Lt. Col. Kreetha Tankhanarat, deputy chief for the child-protection division, said Handa is suspected of being only one of several foreigners who had procured underage children from Traiphop since he was bailed out from his July arrest.