Secretary general of the SBPAC opens Muslim kindergarten


YALA, 15 May 2014  — The secretary general of the Southern Boarder Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC) held an official opening ceremony for a new kindergarten in Yala province.

SBPAC Secretary General Pol. Col. Tawee Sodsong presided over the opening ceremony of Yala’s new kindergarten. The school aims to provide its students with the basic knowledge on Islam, including the teaching of the Quran.

The Kindergarten’s Director, Mr. Sompong Asengmabae, stated that the idea of starting the kindergarten came after many parents had expressed concern that their children in primary schools were still unable to read the Quran.

Therefore, the kindergarten was set up to provide basic knowledge on the Quran for Muslim children. Pol. Col. Tawee added that the setting up of such a kindergarten coincides with the local way of life, and should promote good learning and instill a sense for its children to become good Thai citizens.