Roi Et holds an exposition on traditional Thai and alternative medicines


ROI ET, 6 Mar 2015 – Roi Et Province is currently holding an exposition on the Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine.

Director General of the Department of Thai Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Dr. Twatchai Kamontham, yesterday chaired the opening ceremony of the exposition which was being held at the Somdet Phrasrinakarin Garden in Roi Et.

The event is the 7th of its kind, and is a part of the local annual ‘Bun Phawet’ merit making festival. The exposition showcases new innovations and exhibition on the Thai traditional and complementary medicines and their application in the era of the ASEAN Economic Community.

The fair is also an excellent ground for experts in the field to mingle and exchange their ideas.

Event goers can also purchase a wide range of herbal medicines and try out Thai traditional treatment at the fair.

Organizers expect that more than 10-thousand people including practitioners, health officials and interested youths would visit the exposition this year.