Red Cross holds blood drive


BANGKOK, 17 May 2014  – The Thai Red Cross Society is appealing for blood donations as Thailand has lately been hit by blood supply shortage. 

According to the society, Thailand is facing a major blood shortage given the amount of blood donated daily since the beginning of May has been lower than its target of 1,600 – 2,000 units. To make the matter worse, 170 hospitals nationwide have been requesting for more and more blood and since the beginning of this month, the society has been giving out 5,000 – 6,000 units of blood per day. As a result, the amount of reserved blood, which should have been 3,000 units, has dropped to only 300 units recently.

To ensure that sufficient blood supply is available for those in need, the Red Cross has urged the public to make blood donations whenever they can.

For those who live in Bangkok, they can directly go to the Thai Red Cross Society located on Henri Dunant Road. For further information, please contact the National Blood Center at 0-2256-4300, or visit the center seven days a week.