Poll: NCPO remains popular among Thais


BANGKOK, 28 March 2015 – The performance of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) since it took the helm of the country ten months ago remains popular among Thai people, according to a recent survey by Suan Dusit Rajabhat University.

The survey shows that as high as 85 percent of the respondents still have a positive attitude towards the NCPO. According to the respondents, the most outstanding traits of the NCPO are its commitment to solving the country’s problems and boosting tourism, its decisiveness and tough stance against corruption.

When asked what they regarded as the biggest challenge for the NCPO, most of them picked the economic and the political reform issues. The problem they want the NCPO to fix urgently is the high cost of living. They also suggested that the NCPO heed suggestions from all sectors.