OAG adopts measures to prevent corruption within governmental units


BANGKOK, 16 April 2015, The Governor of the Office of the Auditor General of Thailand, Special Professor Chaiyasit Trachutham has restated his office’s aggressive approach to the problem, in order to prevent corruption and to bring about the most benefit to government finances.

Professor Chaiyasit told the media in Wednesday night’s edition of ‘Thailand Moves Forward’ that Thailand has been selected as a member of the Committee for the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) to participate from 2015 to 2018.

He said, during this time, overseas Offices of the Auditor General would share their knowledge, technology, and information with Thailand. The kingdom would be able to learn how to effectively manage the state budget, while exchanging ideas with other offices.

The OAG Governor explained that the goals of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions are to share knowledge, technology and training in regard to tracking government finances by each of the member countries.