NGOs target Pattaya drug users, transgenders in fight against HIV


Several international non-governmental organizations are expanding efforts to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS among intravenous drug users and “women-of-the-second-category” into Pattaya.

Na-anya Jantrakas from the Disease Prevention and Control Department at the Pattaya Public Health Department met with representatives from the PSI Thailand Foundation to discuss implementing its CAP 3D project in Pattaya after launching previously in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.

Representatives of international NGO’s meet with local health workers to try and help prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS in Pattaya. Representatives of international NGO’s meet with local health workers to try and help prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS in Pattaya.

PSI is a unit of U.S.-based Populations Services International, which has partnered with the AIDS Project Management Group and the American government’s Partnership to Fight HIV/AIDS for the CAP 3D project. Spanning several Southeast Asian countries, CAP 3D aims to reduce morbidity and mortality related to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The project receives partial funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development.

PSI Thailand is working to increase access to health services for IV drug users in 15 provinces. For Pattaya, organizers discussed education of volunteers and aggressive activities campaigning for safe sex amongst “women-of-the-second-category”, specifically increased use of condoms.

The meeting was to brainstorm a working system amongst social organizations and public sectors to provide advice and screening of HIV and integrate prevention and care for target groups.