Fountain of Life Children’s Center reinforces traditional values of Songkran


Fifty happy children from the Fountain of Life Children’s Center were introduced to the traditional side of Songkran during a Thai New Year celebration at the day-care center.  As shown here, they certainly enjoy pouring water on their Buddha statue.  However, when traditional activities finished, they, too, brought out the water buckets for a modern Songkran water fight.

Fifty kids from the Fountain of Life Children’s Center were introduced to the traditional side of Songkran during a Thai New Year celebration at the day-care center.

Senior citizens from the Banglamung Home for the Elderly and foreign volunteers organized the Songkran activity to thank the Fountain of Life shelter for allowing families to meet and pour water for Songkran Day to ask for blessings from parents and grandparents.

Fifty happy children from the Fountain of Life Children’s Center were introduced to the traditional side of Songkran during a Thai New Year celebration at the day-care center.  As shown here, they certainly enjoy pouring water on their Buddha statue.  However, when traditional activities finished, they, too, brought out the water buckets for a modern Songkran water fight. Fifty happy children from the Fountain of Life Children’s Center were introduced to the traditional side of Songkran during a Thai New Year celebration at the day-care center.  As shown here, they certainly enjoy pouring water on their Buddha statue.  However, when traditional activities finished, they, too, brought out the water buckets for a modern Songkran water fight.

The tradition has been passed down since ancient times to show gratitude toward one’s parents, teachers, revered elders and cousins. Water is poured on statues of Lord Buddha and water games are played.

The Fountain of Life center organizes the traditional celebration each year. After the ceremony, however, the water buckets come out as the parents and kids enjoy the modern Songkran water fight.

Fountain of Life children, parents, care givers and sponsors pose for a great Songkran 2014 commemorative photo.

Ajarn Sakulrat Throngsamran stated that she has worked at Fountain of Life for 13 years; personally, she loves children and today’s activities are for children to learn of Thai traditions and to enjoy activities together. Children here are considered as special since these children are from families with low income requiring extra warmth and love. She is proud that all her children are happy while playing water and had enjoyed today’s festivities

Children from Fountain of Life gently pour water on Sister Joan Gormley’s hands, asking for blessing and expressing their gratitude.Children from Fountain of Life gently pour water on Sister Joan Gormley’s hands, asking for blessing and expressing their gratitude.

N’Nat, 4, stated that she is happy and loves playing Songkran. She thanked her teachers for organizing the event today.

Miss Pauline Buchleither, French volunteer, stated that she has been a volunteer in Thailand for over a year and she is very happy to be playing Songkran with children, she is happy when she sees children smile.

One the traditional formalities were over, children took up the more modern-day water splashing fun.One the traditional formalities were over, children took up the more modern-day water splashing fun.