Forgotten candle burns down Sattahip home

A forgotten candle is being blamed for a fire that destroyed an elderly Sattahip woman’s house. It took firefighters nearly an hour to control the blaze.
A forgotten candle is being blamed for a fire that destroyed an elderly Sattahip woman’s house. It took firefighters nearly an hour to control the blaze.

A forgotten candle is being blamed for a fire that destroyed an elderly Sattahip woman’s house.

It took firefighters nearly an hour to control the blaze at the two-story home in Bon­kai Village Dec. 26. Flames gutted the second floor and heavily damaged the ground level, with damage initially estimated at 500,000 baht. No one was injured.

Homeowner Thanida Boon­piya, 68, said she had lit incense and a candle to pay respect to Lord Buddha upstairs, but forgot to blow it out.

Her niece, sleeping on the second floor, fled the flames and her son-in-law used a fire extinguisher, but the fire had grown too big.