DSD provides English training on radio for taxi drivers


BANGKOK, 12 December 2014  The Department of Skill Development (DSD) is now providing English training services on radio for taxi drivers to learn English to assist tourists and in preparation for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). 

According to the DSD Director-General M.L. Puntarik Smiti, the DSD is providing a radio broadcast training service that will help taxi drivers improve their English skills, especially conversational English.

She said that the working schedule of taxi drivers does not allow them to attend regular in-class training. Therefore, the department has begun broadcasting five-minute lessons on FM 91 MHz every day at 5:25am, 5:25pm, and 10:25pm.

The conversations in each lesson are related to the work of taxi drivers who can self-train and used English in their daily lives. This project aims to accommodate the AEC and to provide a better service to tourists, said the DSD Director-General.

The DSD Director-General said that she would like to invite taxi drivers, as well as the general public, to tune in to the conversation lessons, as good English skills will bring better career opportunities and help make daily usage of English easier.