City hall fills in blanks on Pattaya sign


Tourists no longer need to buy a vowel to figure out what the big illuminated sign on Pratamnak Hill spells out after city workers repaired electrical wiring on the Pattaya landmark.

Tourists no longer need to buy a vowel to figure out what the big illuminated sign on Pratamnak Hill spells out after city workers repaired electrical wiring on the Pattaya landmark.
Tourists no longer need to buy a vowel to figure out what the big illuminated sign on Pratamnak Hill spells out after city workers repaired electrical wiring on the Pattaya landmark.

The sign must not have been obvious from city hall, as it took a raft of complaint calls to get the Environment Department to get on the ball and fix the Pattaya sign.

Workers were finally dispatched Dec. 2 to replace wires torn out by vandals and nature. They also cleaned up the cabling to make the area look more tidy.

Ironically, the area behind the well-lit sign is really dark and now city hall is exploring the idea of installing pedestrian lights there to discourage nefarious activity and littering.