BHP offers 1st seminar on responding to marine accidents


In the wake of Pattaya accidents left 11 tourists dead and dozens injured, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya organized its first marine-accident seminar to better train area doctors and first responders in triage and pre-hospital treatment.

Hospital Director Dr. Pichet Kangwolkij opened the Dec. 16 workshop for medical professionals from private and public hospitals.

Speakers from the Royal Thai Navy’s Medical Affairs Department – Vice Adm. Setthsiri Saengsuwan and Capt. Samak Jaisaen – covered pre-hospital management and nursing management.

Speakers from the Royal Thai Navy’s Medical Affairs Department covered pre-hospital management and nursing management when responding to marine accidents.Speakers from the Royal Thai Navy’s Medical Affairs Department covered pre-hospital management and nursing management when responding to marine accidents.

The afternoon saw Dr. Thipwan Wannachai speak on pediatric trauma cases and Dr. Sutyesorn Salphaet discuss simultaneous treatment of multiple patients. Dr. Sivinee Bunmee covered drowning while Dr. Theeti Warinsirikul lectured on scuba diving injuries.

“The process of helping marine-accident victims is quite laborious, starting from just reaching the patient, to first aid, separating critical and non-critical patients and transport to the hospital,” said BHIP Accident and Emergency Center director Dr. Pheeraphan Jerajapreedi. “It is a point to which we give much importance, since we can lose a patient if we do not correctly and efficiently manage the situation.”

During the seminar, plans were discussed to construct a medical center on Koh Larn equipped with a rescue boat on call 24 hours a day, starting from next year.