Appointed Pattaya officials lecture on democracy

Council Chairman Anan Ankanawisan (left) and Pachon Kanachotepokin (right), vice president of the Creative Media Association, chair a public seminar on Law and Democracy.
Council Chairman Anan Ankanawisan (left) and Pachon Kanachotepokin (right), vice president of the Creative Media Association, chair a public seminar on Law and Democracy.

Although it has been nearly four years since any election has been held in Thailand – and the next one is perhaps a year away – Pattaya’s appointed leaders hosted a public seminar on Law and Democracy.

City council members Sukwat Suksawat and Anan Ankanawisan were joined by Pachon Kanachotepokin, vice president of the Creative Media Association, at the Jan. 22 lecture intended to educate youths and residents on current laws and democracy movements.

The talk covered the structure and recent amendments to the 2017 constitution. Residents were briefed over their rights while being told how it will shape the country.

The seminar also explained current law, with the city council carrying out National Council for Peace and Order policies, junta directives and more.

Their objective was to have village leaders take back the information back to their villages and share it with neighbors so that they won’t be missing out on what’s happening.

Councilmen said the city is focusing on development and it is important that local residents are aware of the law, the basics and their rights. This way residents can educate their children as well and help make the communities around Pattaya a better place.