Applicants urged to take note of new licensing process for drivers’ license


BANGKOK, 30 May 2014 – Those looking to renew or apply for their driver’s license are advised to take note of the new issuing process coming into use by the Land Transport Department starting on June 2. 

Under the new licensing process, the number of questions each applicant will be tested on has been increased to 50. Importantly, the passing mark has been adjusted to 90%, meaning that test-takers need to get 45 questions correct. Previously, applicants were given only 30 questions, and the passing mark was 75% – getting 22 out of 35 questions correct would result in a pass.

The 50 questions produced for each applicant will be drawn from a set of 1,000 questions. Previously, the questions bank comprised just 300 questions. All of the 1,000 questions will be available for study on the Land Transport Department’s website, so that applicants can prepare for the test beforehand.

The written test test aside, other aspects of the licensing process remains unchanged. License applicants must be at least 18 years old, and the driving test will be carried out either on the day after the written test or within 90 days. Persons with physical deformation such as those with only one arm or one leg, the hearing impaired, or those with only one good eye, must first seek counseling from Land Transport Department officials before they can apply.