Agriculture Min hosting Thailand Green Livestock Expo 2013


BANGKOK, 2 May 2013  The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives is hosting an event called “Thailand Green Livestock Expo 2013” until May 5, with an aim to raise awareness on environment. According to Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Yukol Limlamthong, on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the Department of Livestock Development (DLD), the ministry is hosting the “Thailand Green Livestock Expo 2013” under the theme of eco-friendly products. The event is aimed at raising awareness on food safety among Thais and also pushing the country’s livestock products in the international market. The minister said the event will also serve as a negotiation stage between Thai entrepreneurs and their foreign importers.

Furthermore, there is an exhibition of the works of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, showcasing his royal duty in the livestock area over the years. The minister expects to see around 100,000 visitors during the 5-day event.


The “Thailand Green Livestock Expo 2013” will be held at IMPACT, until May 5th, 2013.