Message to all Skål members


Dear Skålleagues,

I would like to reassure you about the state of affairs in Thailand. After several months of anti-government protests the military took control of national affairs on 22 May. Inevitably, international media coverage raised doubts in the minds of business and leisure travellers about the wisdom of visiting Thailand.

Let me reassure you that the popular destinations in Thailand are safe, secure and most definitely open for business. This was ably demonstrated at the end of May when Skål International Bangkok hosted International Skål Councillors and the Executive Committee. I have no doubt that both ISC President Keith Murcott and our global President Karine Coulanges will endorse my words of reassurance without hesitation.

We do, however, face a huge challenge in restoring confidence amongst stakeholders in Thailand’s principal tourism source markets. Some governments remain slow in amending their respective travel advisories and we need your support in spreading the word that Thailand is not only open for business but also remains the value destination for leisure travel and MICE business in South East Asia. May I therefore, through your good offices, share this positive message with your own travel and tourism industry contacts?

Please do not hesitate to contact me, club presidents or any of our members in Thailand if you need further information. Skålleagues in Thailand look forward to welcoming you, your families, your friends and your clients.

With sincere thanks, good wishes – and Skål!

Dale Lawrence,

President – Skål International Bangkok

President – Skål International Thailand