KOTO defends his way of doing things



Re: KOTO to be commended, however … (PM mailbag Friday 7th November 2014) – Aloha Margaret: You must be a newbie to Thailand or at least to Jomtien.  KOTO has been doing this in the Jomtien Beach area for 13 plus years, received certificates from the Governor of Chonburi, 2007, Pattaya City Hall, 2011, Pattaya’s Expat Greatest Contributor, 2013.

The reason there are pictures on the posters, also written in Thai, English, Russian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Italian, is so children or people that can’t read, still get the message.

A tad more research before you talk the talk without walking the walk could do wonders for you. KOTO has removed more plastic, Styrofoam, toxic cigarette butts, bottle caps and other trash in one week, than all of his posters put together. Some people read them, some change their bad habits, some wake up; trust me, I see it happen daily.

Gerry KOTO Rasmus