Good subject to write about



Re: Big ‘Jobs’ for the PILC Book Group (PM Friday, 05 April 2013) – This was a good article and especially a good subject to write about. Steve Jobs indeed was an interesting person and doing things “his way” was the only way for him. The way he had changed the views of marketing, computing, and the need for the next gadget was extremely inventive. He strived for the perfection of product so that his product would be the only thing his customers would consider when upgrading, or replacing.

I had heard how difficult and complex he was, but then again he made his fortune by being this type of person. However, fame, fortune, and a legacy does not dictate if one is truly happy. Life is complex and people are even more so, and we all are gifted with something which is unique and maybe special from any other, it’s just that some are able to find what their unique specialty is and then do something with it. For Jobs, I think it was to create something that others wanted, and to create it well enough so that there would always be a following of those who would wait for the next “newest” item (gadget), almost like an addiction for some (such as the iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc.)!

For me, I’ll just stick to my PC; it’s easier for me to understand and to write programs to do what I want it to do for my job.

Greg Burnes