Don’t attempt to “hood wink”



Re: No travel insurance for motorbike taxis (PM Friday, 04 December 2015) – Injuries incurred on an unlicensed vehicle? This applies if you are in charge of the vehicle. (Rider/Driver.)

If you are aware that you are breaking the law don’t expect to have your claim settled in your favour.

When you accept a policy you give them the right to contact your family doctor. If they consider you may have a pre-existing ailment, they may reject a claim.

My own father had a claim rejected when struck by a vehicle. The insurance company claimed that they were informed that he had a slight sight impairment and rejected the claim. Stating that he had not advised them off this pre-existing ailment.

Read the small print and don’t attempt to “hood wink” them, they are much smarter and bigger than you or I.

Ryan Patricks