Cinderella’s ugly sister



Re: Great to see the new boat marina taking shape (PM Mailbag Friday, 05 December 2014) – Cinderella’s ugly sister. Let’s move all those ugly boats off our beautiful bay.

We could move them into town and park them in the streets then there would be no room for buses. Think of the congestion when every time a boat needed maintenance or repairs it had to be towed to an industrial sight. Costs: tune-up 200 baht; towing 600 baht.

Am I to believe a modern marina will not have a slipway where boats can be launched, retrieved or work done on their hull? Will every berth have an en-suite so the owners don’t foul the bay by using the boats toilet and shower? What red blooded man is not averse to (urinating) over the side?

Sure the way things are now need a cleaning up but you are stuck with what you have for now. I am not certain of Thai law but in most western countries the land is public from the high tide mark.

Bryan O’Shea