Woman jumpstarts probe into missing motorbike


A Pattaya dental clinic worker jumpstarted the police’s investigation into her stolen motorbike by bringing in security-camera footage with her complaint.

Wilaiwan Boonchob, 30, reported Sept. 2 that two people had taken her three-month-old Honda Schoopy motorbike from the garage of the Prairin Apartments on Soi 12, but the theft was caught on video. Rather than wait for police to get around to pulling the CCTV footage themselves, she brought it in.

Wilaiwan said she had parked the bike when she came to visit a friend around 10 p.m. When she left at 7 a.m. the next morning, the bike was gone. She got security guards to show her the video, which showed a thin, young man in a green shirt, cap and casual pants steal the bike around 5:40 a.m. He then met a chubby woman who had been acting as a lookout and they rode away.

This blurry image, taken from security camera footage, shows a thin young man in a green shirt steeling a motorcycle.This blurry image, taken from security camera footage, shows a thin young man in a green shirt steeling a motorcycle.

She also provided the video to local media in hopes of getting the bike back. She said she worked hard to save for the vehicle and hopes police try to recover it.