Teen arrested for necklace snatching


A teenager was arrested for allegedly stealing a gold necklace from a Chinese tourist.

Pheerapol Bangjonchob, 18, was apprehended by tourist Tian Qingren, 38, and held until police arrived at the scene in front of the PP Rangnok shop on Sukhumvit Road April 16.

Tian told police he was standing on the street when Pheerapol and another youth drove by on a motorbike and snatched a 3-baht-weight gold necklace with emerald pendant from around his neck. Tian pulled on Pheerapol’s shirt as they drove away, causing the bike to crash. The driver escaped.

The suspect appeared at a press day with a black eye and cuts, allegedly caused in the altercation with his victim.

Pheerapol Bangjonchob has been arrested for trying to steal Chinese tourist Tian Qingren’s gold necklace.Pheerapol Bangjonchob has been arrested for trying to steal Chinese tourist Tian Qingren’s gold necklace.