Sleeping driver stalls North Pattaya traffic


Traffic came to a standstill in North Pattaya as a drunken driver fell asleep behind the wheel, stopping his car in the middle of North Road.

Pornchai Wongtam, 24, was found dead asleep behind the steering wheel of his Toyota Vios, which was idling in the right lane of the busy thoroughfare around 9 a.m. June 26.

Police knocked on the window to awaken him, but Pornchai only shifted position, knocking the car into reverse. Officers quickly blocked the vehicle’s path and brought in a tow truck to take it to Pattaya Police Station.

Police couldn’t wake Pornchai Wongtam so they left him inside his car whilst they towed it to the police station.Police couldn’t wake Pornchai Wongtam so they left him inside his car whilst they towed it to the police station.

Rather than break a window, officers employed a locksmith to open the car at the Soi 9 station and remove the driver, who was tossed in the drunk tank and charged while he slept with drunk driving.