Mike Shopping Mall organizes blood drive


Mike Shopping Mall raised more than 25,000 cc of blood as it organized a drive for Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital and the Banglamung Red Cross.

Mike Group President Santana Mekavarakul and Banglamung Red Cross President Nuanjan Saeng-Uthai presided over the Dec. 11 event held to offer a chance to make merit in honor of HM the King’s Dec. 5 birthday.

In all, 72 units of blood were collected, a total of 25,200 cc.

“I always donate blood since donating does not only benefit the person who had received the blood, but the donator receives the merits from helping others,” said donator Phanida Raphanit.

Nuanjan Saeng-Uthai, Banglamung Red Cross president, Mrs. Santana Mekavarakul, president of Mike Group, and Imjai Buncharoenkij, Banglamung Red Cross secretary, encourages a patient donating blood at Mike Shopping Mall. Nuanjan Saeng-Uthai, Banglamung Red Cross president, Mrs. Santana Mekavarakul, president of Mike Group, and Imjai Buncharoenkij, Banglamung Red Cross secretary, encourages a patient donating blood at Mike Shopping Mall.