Green turtle working overtime to save her species


A green turtle released into the wild by the Sea Turtle Conservation Center is doing more than its share of trying to save the endangered species, laying its second batch of 125 eggs on a Sattahip Bay island.

“Thien Talay” laid down the eggs March 25 on the beach behind the conservation center. The nest is now being protected from predators and poachers by the Royal Thai Navy.

Thien Talay looks a little angry that she is not being left alone to lay her eggs in peace.Thien Talay looks a little angry that she is not being left alone to lay her eggs in peace.

Cmdr. Khwanmuang Kharedtree said the eggs were covered with nets to prevent them from being disturbed. In about 50 days they’ll hatch and the baby turtles will be raised in tanks inside the center. Once they grow a bit, they’ll be set free.

This is the second set of eggs laid this year. The set of 118 eggs was laid on Feb. 4. The center had tagged and released Thien Talay 25 years ago and was able to track it back to the beach.