Construction worker killed in trench cave-in


A female construction worker was killed after she was buried alive in a trench collapse.

Sawang Boriboon Foundation rescuers and Huay Yai police recovered the body of Rattana Sujritphakdee, 40, from a 3-meter-deep hole in Sakngaew village June 5. Workers used a small backhoe to remove most of the soil, then rescuers used spades to find Rattana, but too late.

Rescue workers and police use a backhoe to search for buried construction worker Rattana Sujritphakdee. Rescue workers and police use a backhoe to search for buried construction worker Rattana Sujritphakdee.

Co-worker Sanguan Phakdeesawat, 35, said the two women were measuring the depth of the 1.5-meter-wide, 200-meter-long trench dug to accommodate an underground pipeline when the walls of the pit suddenly collapsed. Sanguan said she was able to flee, but Rattana fell and was buried.